Benefits of Certification

Benefits of the SCA Certification Program

Benefits of Certification

Certification of structural steelwork fabrication companies provides clients, regulatory authorities and the construction industry with certainty as to the capability to produce fabricated steelwork to the compliance requirements of the appropriate Australian Standards for the relevant Construction Category as required by the engineer and defined in AS 4100 and AS/NZS 5131.

The practical benefits flowing on from this include:

  • Providing greater certainty of construction outcome, with a defined quality bar both Government and our community can rely on.
  • Reducing the incidence of bogus supply
  • Generating productivity increases through minimising the need for rework and repair prior to project handover and during the lifecycle of the project
  • Reducing risk consistent with the intent of the relevant Workplace Health and Safety Acts and Regulations.
  • Creating, in effect, a National Technical Prequalification Scheme, which will result in significant process efficiencies in reducing the need for bespoke project prequalification.

Benefits of working with SCA

As the only approved Certification Body for the ASI National Structural Steelwork Compliance Scheme (NSSCS), SCA is well placed to provide your certification needs for structural steelwork.


  • Provide certification to the full scope of AS/NZS 5131
  • Have extensive knowledge of AS/NZS 5131 and the requirements for each of the Construction Categories
  • Have professional auditing personnel with extensive experience in structural steelwork
  • Are responsive to client requirements for certification in reduced timeframes to suit commercial demands
  • Will work with constructors towards certification of their chosen fabricators, provided the fabricators have the capability as per the certification process
  • Are accredited by JAS-ANZ, providing certainty to our community that our auditing and certification services are robust and consistent with industry best practice
  • Did you know SCA offers generous discounts for ASI members? SCA has negotiated this arrangement with ASI to make this offer possible. You might like to consider membership of ASI to secure these generous discounts.

What does the SCA audit?

The source document for audits is the Australia/New Zealand fabrication Standard AS/NZS 5131:2016 Structural Steelwork - Fabrications and Erection released by Standards Australia.

AS/NZS 5131 covers:

  • Requirements for documentation and specification
  • Materials, steel, welding consumables, fasteners and grout
  • Welding
  • Surface treatment and corrosion protection
  • Mechanical fastening – bolts, installation, and other fasteners
  • Architecturally exposed structural steelwork
  • Erection
  • Inspection and testing and correction
  • Site modifications and repair of existing structures

AS/NZS 5131 is available for purchase through Standards Australia, Intertek Inform, or Accuris